Apply STEAM concepts in real world situations. Look for and describe evidence of artist experimentation, invention, and imagination. Science, Technology, and Art TEKS selected for grades 6–12, applicable to all audiences.
Discover how STEAM at the McNay fits into your curriculum.
STEAM Questions For Looking at Art
Pick an object from the online collection and explore artwork through STEAM!
Rosemary Hickman, Semmes Foundation Education Manager, McNay Art Museum, discusses STEAM tours at the McNay.
Use the STEAM Questions for Looking at Art provided under the Resources section of this page to guide your digital tour of the following works:
Tour Stop #1: She is Love by Tim Bavington
Tour Stop #2: Head of Christ by El Greco
(click here for even more info on Head of Christ)
Tour Stop #3: Horizontal Column of Five Squares, Excentric II by George Rickey
Explore more works in our collection here!